Conscious. Connected. balanced.


Do you feel trapped by the clutches of depression, anxiety, or overwhelming stress?

Are you yearning for deeper meaning and understanding of life? 


I can show you how!

Uncover the tools to transform chaos into calmness, 

and create a healing pathway to mental and emotional freedom.


Embark on a sacred exploration of self-discovery and growth for

a deeply meaningful and fulfilling life.


Hey there, my name is Nathalie Gajdos, and I'm a Transformational Life Coach. I help people overcome mental and emotional challenges so they can live an authentically satisfying, fulfilling, and easeful life.


I am a truth seeker and passionately dedicated to liberating people from the mental, emotional, and spiritual chains that bind them, so they can discover what a genuinely fulfilling life looks and feels like. 


I’ll take you on a holistic journey of personal growth and discovery that is generated by self-awareness, and empowers you to create positively meaningful, lifelong lasting change in your life.


I’m committed to helping you break free from limitations, so you can confidently and comfortably live a truly happy life. 


Find out more about me HERE...

"I've tried everything, how is this different?"


I know first hand the hardships of living with depression and anxiety. From a very young age I have travelled the "typical path" of healing; self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, saw therapists and counsellors, and took prescriptions medications. I tried everything. And while I occasionally had some relief, I never truly believed that I would overcome the mental and physical suffering that characterized my life on a daily basis.


But through a series of experiences, I not only healed from the suffering, I allowed it to teach me how to help others do the same. I now live my life in gratitude, and service to those who are seeking to heal from the torments of mental and emotional disturbance. And, I can show you how!

What clients are saying...


"I feel empowered! I love that I was coached by a woman who was an example to me. The coaching felt personal and every week I had progress regardless of the resistance I’ve been experiencing. I enjoyed the constant and consistent support, how my body type was identified, how my symptoms and issues were explained to me, and the focus on the mental and emotional aspects. I would recommend this service to others."

- Saara


See more of what clients have to say...


Using a holistic approach of formal psychology, combined with the sciences of Yoga, Ayurveda, Somatics, and habit change techniques, we will address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life to foster deep self-awareness, and putting you in the driver's seat of your own well being.



... how to acutely develop self-awareness; the foundation of an authentically fulfilling life

... how to commit to the changes you seek, with very little effort

... how to identify and overcome resistances simply, using proven habit change techniques

... how to embrace your growing edge; the exhilarating zone between nervousness and excitement that is the generator of personal growth

... how to intuitively and confidently take action in consciously creating your life 



  • Cultivate mental and emotional balance, to reveal a more conscientious version of yourself
  • Build confidence and self-esteem that radiates in every aspect of your life
  • Challenge, overcome, and redesign outdated or misguided belief systems that no longer serve your growth
  • Enhance communication skills for more meaningful personal and professional relationships
  • Manage stress and build resilience, unlocking the potential within you for a life marked by clarity, purpose, and achievement 
  • Sharpen your focus and concentration, unleashing your power to be present whilst mindfully co-create your future.


In working together, you will make enduring holistic change that will reshape your mind, body and spirit, lifting you out of the torments of depression, anxiety, and overwhelm, and offering you an auspicious perspective on life, GUARANTEED*


Find out more about what is different about working with me HERE...


