Health & Lifestyle Transformational Coaching

Take life to the next level of well-being

Are you ready for real, life-long lasting change?

YOU have the power to heal yourself and maintain a healthy balanced, joy-filled life. 


I can show you how!


It's time to go beyond goal setting that leaves you unfulfilled and constantly seeking the next thing, in hopes it will bring you happiness. The reason transformational coaching works is because our work together will create an identity shift deep within you. It does not so much change WHO you are, more-so than how you perceive and interact with yourself and the world at large. The foundation of this program encourages developing self-awareness through which to explore belief systems that you are subconsciously operating from, in order to TRANSFORM and bring them into alignment with WHO YOU ACTUALLY ARE when you embody Your Authentic Self. 


What you get...

  • One 30-60 minute online FREE Transformation Discovery Consultation
  • Information on the basic principles of Ayurveda and how they pertain to your unique constitution
  • One 90 minute comprehensive Health Assessment Consultation
  • Personalized recommendations for nutrition, lifestyle habits, body movement, mindfulness & creativity exercises, and herbal supplements
  • Seven weekly 60 minute Follow-UP sessions
  • Weekly progress reports and personal development growth-work assignments (written or audio) 
  • Email and text support as needed


If you are you ready to embody the person you've always known yourSelf to be, Contact me today or schedule your Free Transformational Discovery Consultation and get started living the life of your true potential now.


This service is right for you if...

You want to have greater Self-awareness

You want to have less stress, and greater mental / emotional stability

You want to have better relationships

You want to be your own best healer

Your Spirit is calling out to you for deeper meaning and understanding of life


Globally connected!

Online and in person options available


